

RSGC has a crack team of British Gliding Association approved instructors that volunteer their time to coach you from your first lesson to being a gliding pro

Chief Flying Instructor

Responsible for flying at RSGC

Ian Gallacher

Full Instructors

Teach the full gliding syllabus from first lesson to advanced soaring, and can assess pilots for the Bronze and Cross Country endorsements

Geoff Matthews

Norman Potts

Alan Swan

Regular Visiting Instructors

Simon Adlard

Matthew Cook

Alan Jolly

Assistant Instructors

Teach the full gliding syllabus from first lesson to advanced soaring

Will Dean

Colin Haynes

Nick Lewinton

Nigel Readman

Regular Visiting Instructors

Russ Attwood

Nigel Lassetter

Basic Instructors

Introduce pilots to gliding by teaching upper air exercises

Toby Jones

Sophie Onions

Amelia Richardson